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Trolls from four countries

Trolls from four countries

Someday I might get sick of trolls, but today is not that day.

27th April 2016
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9 years ago #9479775        



I can't help but notice that the norwegian troll is wery inspiered by the verson drawn and painted by Theodor Kittelsen. And this confuses me, because in the northern part of Norway, were I live, trolls don't look like that. They look much more like huge humans, and in many tales, troll women or girls are described as wery beautiful. They also turn to stone, and die, if the sun shines on them.
The northen verson of the huldra, or hulde-folk, is also quite different.

8 years ago #9631768        



The Internet Troll: A person (on the internet) who tries (and some times succeeds) to anger you and/ or other people. There size and size of groups they live in vary. They are known to actually dislike the sun, though it mainly just hurts their eyes for a bit. They are also related to, or these days even a mix of, The Hate Comenter, (they are just Trying to act tough, by saying things like: UR UGLY LOL THIS VIDEO IS STUPID but they are often just on YouTube. they are also related to The obvious Lier, which is just a kid who just wants attention and to act kinda tough or what ever. as their name suggests, they pretty much just say shit like: i'm 18, i could beat you up, im depressed im a hacker, and it's SO OBVIOUS that they're lying) . If you encounter any one of them, just ignore it, (or at least try your best to) and it will soon stop pestering you. They will NEVER eat some one, and are actually quite harmless. Annoying, but harmless.

9 years ago #9479556        



Nice! Sad that Finnish trolls aren't included though. Would've been cool to see the complete Nordic set :)

9 years ago #9479356        



Aww, the Danish trolls sound cute.

9 years ago #9478957        



In Finland, our trolls are are various sizes... most popular troll we have is named Rölli-peikko, he is human sized, have tail and wear a lot of clothes, don't wear shoes... he has fuzzy hair, pointy ears and some facial hear. He likes to do pranks, and he has no problem with sun. We also have mountain-sized trolls that have trees growing on them, and then we have really hairy, ugly ones that are known to be stupid and smell awful. They also steal human children because they prefer "pretty pale skin".. or something like that. :D

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7 years ago #9702103        





19 F
7 years ago #9699511        



Has anyone seen the 2010 movie Troll hunter?

7 years ago #9683712        



Jeg lukter kristenmanns blod

8 years ago #9644006        



Most importantly Homestuck trolls; Also called Alternians they are aliens from another dimension. They do not eat humans, though they look similar;but with grey skin and horns their reproduction is more akin to insects. With two trolls (gender is erelavent.) giving their "genetic material" to a mother grub who lays thousands of eggs depending on the strength of genes in the "incestus Slurry". Because of this they never know their parents. They are instead raised by monsters known as Lusus! (Btw Troll babies are essentially Grubs called wrigglers.) and that's not even talking about blood color hierarchy, confusing romance, the fact that they leave their home world to the kids while the adults go to conquer, or the lusus themselves. Also sunlight will blind them permanently! Hey in any culture Trolls sure are weird! :)

8 years ago #9617653        



When I lived in Iceland, everything pertaining to Trolls had them with tails, I don't know if that was added late in their culture or not, but I never saw anything with them without tails. In their folklore They were greasy, greedy, hungry, lazy, evil creatures with predominantly black hair and black fur on the tip of their tails that ate everything - most of them, anyways. The Christmas Trolls were an exception. They were 12 born-again Christian troll brothers that were just mischievous - I guess old habits die hard.

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