Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door
Mountain People

Mountain People

A fairly quick picture.

The Scandinavian mythology creatures are separated into two groups, Mountain People (Bjergfolk) and Elf People (Ellefolk). The names are a bit deceiving though, because not all Mountain People live in the mountains, and not all Elf People are elves, but the general rule is that Mountain People live in mountain areas or have their homes underground, while Elf People live in the forest/bog/swamp/field (ghosts are their own category, because they're not a people).

As usual there are three trolls because they get bigger and meaner the father up North you get. The biggest has the lightest skin because they turn to stone during the day, so they don't get a whole lot of sun, obviously. Trolls often have magic powers, but it usually involve turning one thing into another, including living things.

Truthfully, the Ogre doesn't really belong in the picture because they're French/English/German, but they're often compared to trolls even though they're completely different species, and the trolls are a good deal older than ogres. Ogres also tend to be a lot meaner than trolls (Shrek not counting of course).

Giants and the trolls far North are often confused with each other, but giants look like ordinary but big humans, and surprisingly trolls are often bigger than giants. They can be either mean or gentle.

Unlike what Tolkien told us in Lord of The Rings, dwarfs are not a warlike people at all in Nordic mythology. They live quietly underground where they dig for metals or steal gold from burial places. They would much rather bribe their way out trouble than fight.

Finally there's the jotuns who are by far the most powerful of the peoples. They can control the wild nature and have magic powers and knowledge not even the trolls can compete with. They're incredibly strong, and back in the day people often dreamt marrying a jotun.

9th February 2012
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11 years ago #9141027        



It is wrong that I think the small troll dude looks cute? I like his eyes. Yes definitely the eyes and not the ... [forces myself to look higher] Very sweet eyes.... ũ.ũ

11 years ago #9041280        



Obviously, as you go further north, the troll species get larger to conserve heat and are less active to conserve energy.

And are they polar bears?


23 M
12 years ago #8979631        



Man, trolls just look weird without horns.

12 years ago #8728968        



The dwarf is looking rather smug... Why's that, Humon? =^.^=

12 years ago #8704165        



It sounds a lot like they viewed Jotun as idealised versions of themselves, much like Tolkien did with elves.

12 years ago #8630726        



Was it a cartoon with some trolls, where one of them played a flute and had a tiny troll called Lilleskid living in his hat??
If, so, I know which one you talk about!

12 years ago #8617563        



You'r drawings of Trolls REALLY reminds me of an cartoon i watched when i was little :D
It's really great art!

13 years ago #8565160        



Screw back in the day, I dream of marrying a jotunn now!

13 years ago #8546494        



I just absolutely love how sassy that dwarf looks. Amazing!

13 years ago #8461767        



very cool!

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