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Why is it so difficult for Zeus to get laid?

Mind you, Odin also forced himself on the Jotun woman Rind, but he was punished for it by the other gods and banished from Valhalla, and got replaced with the god Uller. Odin suffered terribly both physically and mentally, until 10 years later the other gods decided he could come back. He never tried something like that again.
He did however have plenty of consensual sex, and it even happened a few times that he wasn't really in the mood, but had sex with women anyway because they had heard how good he was in bed. Also, he slept with a ton of men as a woman himself and had plenty of human/god babies that way. Odin was busy.

Odin Zeus
13th December 2015
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9 years ago #9434791        



The reason Zeus tricks women into sleeping with him is because a mortal can't look at an undisguised god without dying. It's how Dionysus's mother, Semele, died. He can still tell lovers he's Zeus, but he can't prove that unless he reveals himself, so it's easier to just not bring it up.

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44 F
9 years ago #9434294        



Love how the ravens decide to take their drinks elsewhere. ^^

7 years ago #9785166        



You don't mess around with sexual assault in Asgard

7 years ago #9734613        



well, i mean, 1, you promised Hera she would be your queen, and you wouldn't cheat on her, so of course she's obviously pissed, and 2, she sets her wrath (usually) on both your children, and the women you *ahem* slept with (besides Perseus and his mom and perhaps another one or two kid or mom), so it's no wonder most if not all women didn't really want to get laid by you, because it is NOT good when Hera is angry at you, and that you'd probably suffer a WHOLE lot less if you were to jut kill your self, even if your still pregnant, (it'd technically prevent the kid from a whole life of suffer from Hera, so it'd actually be a lot more merciful) and third, you do need practice talking to girls. Might i add, Odin, it seems to be the same thing with you. (it's just you can turn into a female, and your wife doesn't make the people suffer, both things Zeus doesn't have or cant do

7 years ago #9704809        



"Noooo she's meeeeaaaaaan!"

Maybe she wouldn't be mean if you'd wear a chastity belt every once in a while.


47 M
9 years ago #9433903        



Did you draw Hera yet? Hera Boöpis, the cow-eyed... I am ever so intrigued. ;)

7 years ago #9767760        



I think it would have been better if it was Thor with Zeus... I mean, They're both lightning and thunder gods. and from a mythological point of view, Odian is more like Chronos than Zeus. Love the comic anyway.

8 years ago #9688579        



A reason why Zeus disguised himself as animals and stuff was so Hera wouldn’t catch her unfaithful husband cheating on her. Seriously. He just keep the thing in his pants. Half of the problems in Greek mythology are cuz Zeus decided to shag someone besides his wife.

9 years ago #9451400        



didn't notice the raven's action at first - details like that are a big part of why I love these comics so much! :)

9 years ago #9442880        



And that is how Heracles/Hercules was made.

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