Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #9734613:

Step up your game 17 2, 7:01am

well, i mean, 1, you promised Hera she would be your queen, and you wouldn't cheat on her, so of course she's obviously pissed, and 2, she sets her wrath (usually) on both your children, and the women you *ahem* slept with (besides Perseus and his mom and perhaps another one or two kid or mom), so it's no wonder most if not all women didn't really want to get laid by you, because it is NOT good when Hera is angry at you, and that you'd probably suffer a WHOLE lot less if you were to jut kill your self, even if your still pregnant, (it'd technically prevent the kid from a whole life of suffer from Hera, so it'd actually be a lot more merciful) and third, you do need practice talking to girls. Might i add, Odin, it seems to be the same thing with you. (it's just you can turn into a female, and your wife doesn't make the people suffer, both things Zeus doesn't have or cant do

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