Humon Comics

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Horrible People

Horrible People

And what have we learned today? That's right. Only black women go to heaven.

5th April 2013
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11 years ago #9112147        



You should've written "White people have a history of treating everyone else as lesser beings."

11 years ago #9064154        



to heaven I go then....WAIT. omg I have French white people in me. Wait. WAIT, do I cancel myself out now? am I stuck in some weird heaven/purgatory state now? and they were male...oh my god
and see kids, this is why race is a stupid and baseless system to begin with and we should all just see each other as people. Great work as always humon :)


28 F
11 years ago #9030395        



But heaven always seemed boring to me. Can I go to Valhalla instead?

12 years ago #8978005        



They cancel each other! Genius xD

9 years ago #9420066        



White men go to hell
Black women go to heaven
White women and black men just get recarinated. Or become tap dancers

10 years ago #9381043        



lol I should know when they say that white people treat black people as lesser beings we actually mean the English though generally no one is like that apart from people who believe they should follow their ancestor.

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11 years ago #9227054        



That or they combine into a black

11 years ago #9060738        



... and then I sit here, seeming to be the only person smiling at this comic.

11 years ago #9051058        



you can not blame someone for their ancestor's crimes

12 years ago #8966483        



I dont know how it is in England and I get the humor in this but a little guilt is hardly a lot to pay for safety. I would love to just feel bad sometimes cause my ancestors were jerks but instead I get to deal with racist people everyday who either think I'm stupid, being abused or need their old clothes. People walk up to me and touch my hair or face on the street and pet me like an animal and those are the good racists. Its rare now but hate crimes and such happen at least once a year in my city alone and they are violent and horrible. Most of the black people in my city don't have the money to move to areas where good schools and homes are. Unable to buy their homes due to redlining they pay over 1000 bucks a month to live in ghettos and white people are either too scared to move into black neighborhoods or (like any parents) want their kids in the good schools and safe environments. I get why this is funny and I really do love your comics. Its just that when you sit by and do nothing I think you at least deserve to feel guilty. Of course this isn't everyone and I live in a particularly racist city, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and all that, but yeah.. food for thought.

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