And illustrated version of the song "Rejs dig op og kom videre" (Get up and move on) by Danser Med Drenge (Dancing with boys)
I like how they have songs for every level of problems. From the minor stuff like this one, missing family members you have lost contact with like "Kære lille søster" (Dear little sister), to the loss of loved ones like the song "Er der nogen i himlsen" (Is there anyone in Heaven), and songs for when the terrible things have happened and you come out on the other side like "En dejlig morgen" (A wonderful morning)
You can hear a live version of this song here (It's in Danish)
@Etex well I''m not Danish so I wouldn't know that.You're right that Humon probably didn't mean it like that. But sometimes there isn't a lot of difference between just feeling down and actually having legitamite problems, so you can't be too careful.
@hvilling @therottenleprechaun True, that it doesn't say that she has depression, but when I read it I felt like that was the implication. They should have had a disclaimer or something at the end. That "stop feeling sorry for yourself" actually does cause a lot of problems when put in the wrong hands.
This is awful. You don't just get up and get over a depression. Hell, often people feel ashamed exactly because they feel that's what they SHOULD be able to do, but can't, so they don't seek help or tell people.
That's. . . quite a mustache.