Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door
Amazon and Shield Maiden

Amazon and Shield Maiden

I've been wanting to do a drawing of an amazon and a shield maiden and their different attitudes towards men for a few weeks now.

Amazons were said to be quite cruel to men, and would attack other nations just to steal their men and make them slaves whom they could reproduce with once a year.
Also about amazons

Shield maidens are the Nordics' version of amazons, though they showed no hated towards men and fought by their side. Though if a man was beat in battle he was made a work slave.
They are sometimes confused with valkyries, but differs from them because they are human, while valkyries are demi goddesses.

For the amazon I tried to mix some of the old and new ideas about them, as well as add some of my own. Her clothes is inspired by old Greek paintings of them, and while it isn't visible here, her right breast is cut off (To use bow and arrow, and spear without it getting in the way). Her being tall is part of newer amazon traditions, and I gave her short hair because if she is willing to cut her right breast off to be a better fighter, she'd surely cut her hair so it wouldn't get in the way.

The shield maiden's clothes and hair are inspired by Viking women's fashion.

EDIT: Of course the cutting off breasts part is a myth. Amazons weren't real, so everything about them is a myth. Watch the video I linked to.

Texture used

5th June 2012
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8 years ago #9646525        



Hmm long hair wound around the head have the functional use of padding the blows do an helmet. Spartans kept their hair long just for that reason.

9 years ago #9515746        



There have been some evidence that a society of female warriors did exist, and the man that wrote about them was known to embellish, not lie.

that being said, it has been proven that about half of all vikings were female. A dig from way back when of a viking grave yard in england showed a number of warriors. The dudes saw their weapons and just classified them as male, it wasn't untill a few years ago that someone actually looked at the bones. Turns out half of the warriors were female.

12 years ago #8640744        



I think there are enough female archers that we can conclude the Greeks were being a little silly about the "breasts cut off" thing.

7 years ago #9738720        



as long as you didn't get your inspiration for the clothes from wonder women i'm fine :)

11 years ago #9041322        



"Amazons weren't real, so everything about them is a myth."

Well, there are burial mounds of girls who were laid to rest with weapons and had a good number of combat injuries apparently.

12 years ago #9009173        



apparently girls can use bows and arrows without hitting their tits so slicing her own boob off is not only gross and likely to get her killed but also pointless

12 years ago #9009025        



well maybe if she went out and chose men for herself she would have better luck. the lazy bum


20 M
12 years ago #8866355        



XD I love amazons.

12 years ago #8778578        



The amazons were probably just a society with the gender roles reversed, and the greeks wanted to make them sound like savage women who killed/enslaved men because they were men.

12 years ago #8754793        



My god, he's a pansy.

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