Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door
Slattenpatte and Daughters

Slattenpatte and Daughters

A slattenpatte is a special Danish troll you won’t find in other Nordic countries (Like you won’t find huldras in Denmark). Their name means “Saggy Breasts” and I dare say it’s pretty obvious why they're called that. They were said to be “unfortunate looking” and naked at all times.

While normal trolls were usually found in the woods, slattenpattes were mostly seen on either the moor or by the streams where they collected herbs. They were the trolls’ witches and had great magical powers. Most of the stories about them involves them running. They threw their breasts over their shoulders so they wouldn't get in the way.

Young men were told not to sleep on the moor or by streams because slattenpattes loved young men, and if they found them sleeping, they would rape them. If a young man however chose to sleep with a slattenpatte at his own free will, she would reward him by letting him drink her breast milk, which would give him magical powers.

The reason why they were so keen on sleeping with men was most likely because their own offspring was always female, so here is a slattenpatte and her two daughters collecting herbs.

2nd July 2010
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4 years ago #9843968        



In north Spain lot of mythology is related with Celtic and Scandinavian one, we have a quite similar creature called "Ojancana"

13 years ago #8498905        



Pardon the ignorance, but do the trolls use piercings or is it an artist's touch? Mostly out of curiosity but was wondering if there was a real purpose.

9 years ago #9512354        



Lel. Sounds like the 'wewe gombel'. Only she abducts kids who has issues with their parents...

11 years ago #9041257        



No, no death.


19 F
12 years ago #8937920        



Um... death by snoo snoo?

12 years ago #8744930        



This brings a whole new meaning to the song "Do your boobs hang low?"

13 years ago #8533923        



Aaah, so finally I've found out where some of my ancestors come from - my greatgrandmother was told to have breasts like this (including the throwing them over her shoulder to wash bit) and she was great with the Russian herb lore. But I think she was not a pure-blooded slattenpatte (the name makes me giggle-snort) - she walked around fully clothed :)

13 years ago #8485744        



Hmm, they aren't that bad looking especially that older blonde one... totally screwable. ^^

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