i showed this to one of my neighbors, who is a hardcore christian, and HATES the idea of people being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or even transgender, but she does love sheep (her grandfather or dad was a Shepard apparently) and i just held it out, let her take it out of my hands to read it again, probably thinking "I- I MUST OF READ THIS WRONG...", and i just walked away as she just stood there is shock/ disbelief. i even actually put on sun glasses when i walked away
Funny comic but it seems to be a production because breeding rather than nature, as it has only been seen in domestic sheep. The BBC has an article were it is mentioned that is suspected that in trying to make females that reproduce as often as possible, they also produced homosexual males.
And probably many of male dogs are bisexual. And probably most of big 'hetero' dogs is totally okay with smaller dog's doing something to their legs...
Oh and speaking of animals-perverted-things my cat is perverted. He always mutters more when he can get close to my aquarium and want everyone to pet him and all. And he always stands on my big-breasted friend breast.
*chuckle* EXCELLENT!! Proof that God Doesn't care about Gender!!