Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door


A little thing I made because I realized how many people seem to think Asatru is a dead religion, or just for silly "heathens" who want to play make-believe in the woods. :)

22nd May 2016
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25 F
9 years ago #9488753        



I'm an American who believes in Asatru and as such I can confirm it is not terribly common as we lack churches and such in the states (that I know of) but it'd be amazing if we had such things!
I'd kill to go to a church instead of the loose gatherings we have currently.

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9 years ago #9487422        



As a fellow Asatru Heathen I take lots of pride in the fact we are being recognized at all. Asatru is one of the few pagan religions that even has a church at all.

oh also long time reader, first time commenter. Love your stuff.

6 years ago #9815250        



Well if the Hindus can have a whole bunch of dirties and it has to be respected, why not Europeans?

7 years ago #9755696        



Yay Norse mythology!
I also believe in Greek, Chinese and Japanese mythology.

8 years ago #9638787        



My boyfriend and I are both practicing Asatruar, and we are planning a trip to Iceland next year to go to the temple!

9 years ago #9488689        



Asatru has official recognition in the United States, too. Since we (I'm American) have the First Amendment, recognition isn't official in the same way as it is with other countries. It would be illegal for Congress to pass some sort of resolution officially recognizing it, for instance. It's usually a bunch of more subtle things, like tax status. For instance, The Troth carries the tax status of a non-profit religious organization. The Army has said that they will allow soldiers to identify as Asatru or Heathen, though there's been some difficulty with implementing that. Already, the family of deceased soldiers can select an armed forces-provided tombstone with a hammer of Thor symbol. There was a court case involving Asatru prisoners, and the ruling was that the prison system, as a government entity, cannot deny the prisoners an emblem of their belief. While anything involving prisoners is always a little dicey for heathens (given connections in the prison system to white nationalism), it does show government recognition of Asatru believers having the same First Amendment rights as other believers.

Who can legally wed someone varies by state, since marriages licenses are managed at the state level instead of the federal. However, I would be shocked if any state prohibited a gothi from conducting a legally binding marriage for reasons of belief. They'd probably just have to jump through a few legal hoops and pay a fee to get licensed, the same as a Christian minister.

Of course, the same can also be said for Scientology, so it isn't like the US government is particularly picky!


30 M
9 years ago #9487881        



That's neat!

9 years ago #9487851        



I feel that the world would be a lot cooler if Greek/Roman polytheism had become the prominent religion in Europe instead of Christianity. Not only would the religious parts of European culture actually be European in origin but polytheism generally seems less able to maintain dogma, less able to prevent advancements in science and culture, less divided and more accepting of other religions. It could have merged with Scandinavian and other European polytheist religions to create a European equivalent to Hinduism.

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9 years ago #9487824        




9 years ago #9487448        



Thank you for this. Love your work.

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