Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #9459109:

Norwegian and Danish trolls 21 2, 3:40pm

@jcxz100 actually i had hoped that they had some regional name other than the variations on "troll". *shrug*
some of the sources i've read have lumped things like the Tunkall, the Tomte, the Nisse, the Fossegrim, the Huldre, etc under the category of 'troll'.

as i said, when dealing with a RPG system that already has "trolls" with nothing in common with the Scandinavian versions, separate names are a help. it keeps the amount of confusion down with players, if nothing else.

as a sort of example, while here in america the various "big hairy wildman" sightings are generally referred to as Bigfoot or Bigfeet, the same things can be called Sasquatch, Hoodoo, Swamp ape, or the MoMo, depending on the area of the country it's seen and who's doing the story.

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