Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #9457847:

Norwegian and Danish trolls 18 2, 1:17pm

Do the Swedes have a distinct type of troll as well? everything i've read so far trying to find out (i'm writing an RPG supplement that uses a lot of Scandinavian folklore) just seems to gloss over Sweden's troll folklore. sadly the Danish ones are also kinda thin on details in the stuff i've found too. :(

one big thing i've had problems with is the names.. it seems like "troll" is more of a generic name, do the different types have different names? even if just ones given to them by folklorists to tell them apart? (would be a big help, since sadly the game already has "trolls" in the D&D style.. which have little in common with the Scandinavian versions. different names would help separate them out.)

Art wise i love the work of John Bauer in depicting trolls though..

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