Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #9879353:


Warriors 6 11, 9:50am

Men are built to fight with efficiency. They learn tactics and strategy to increase their efficiency. (Honor codes and chivalry are created to further streamline the violence, teaching men what to expect of each other so they can forget about messy terrorism and focus on the important bits.)
Women... Women are different.
Women are not warriors. They are guardians. A wise man once said that a woman with a child in her arms is a tigress, a force to behold. Women are built to nurture and care, but when the day's work is done, she will stand guard as a lioness at the gate of her home night after night. Women don't fight like knights, but like ferocious beasts, fueled by emotion as much as adrenaline. That is why women don't go to war (historically).

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