Last verse in a ballad of ours, about the "nykur" (the neck):
13. Nykurin leyp í vatnið kátur,
hálvur maður og hálvur bátur.
The neck leapt in the water merry
half man and half boat
I also remember one of my teachers telling a story, about a neck, living in a nearby lake, who very much enjoyed eating postmen with blackcurrant jame.
Last verse in a ballad of ours, about the "nykur" (the neck):
13. Nykurin leyp í vatnið kátur,
hálvur maður og hálvur bátur.
The neck leapt in the water merry
half man and half boat
I also remember one of my teachers telling a story, about a neck, living in a nearby lake, who very much enjoyed eating postmen with blackcurrant jame.