Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #8617778:

Barbarians need sleep too 17 12, 1:51pm

Maybe when its time for the female barbarians to "capture a husband" this one didn't like the male barbarians that they could find so she went to a neighboring human village and kidnapped these two men. In the beginning both men are indignant and keep trying to run away from the seemingly harsh woman. When one night the brunette man wakes up to a soft crying sound. The brunette discovers the female barbarian crying in the woods trying to hide her weakness from her sisters. At first the woman is angry at the man for seeing her crying thinking that he'll tell the other barbarians but as she explains her story of only wanting to find love for herself a change comes over the small man she kidnapped. The brunette man slowly walks away and the next night he walks up to the barbarian with the blond man shyly in tow and tells her that "they talked about it and they decided that they both loved her " and it ends in this very cute sleeping scene. :)

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