Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #8571781:


Crazy Hyenas 6 11, 4:49am

@ArmchairCommando -- they don't have penises. They just have more testosterone than the males, which results in an enlarged clitoris that can function as a pseudo-penis. This has been seen in some cases with humans after sex changes - the example I'm thinking of is Thomas Beatty, who took enough hormone therapy to look like a man, including his clitoris enlarging to the point of being a psuedo-penis, but was still inherently female enough to bear his partner's children, since she could not.

@quimerico I wonder if there's anything .... uh, subtextual (is that a word?) about a hyena's group being called a 'clan'?

And finally, @Humon, you forgot something! :D When female hyenas are trying to lure males in for procreation, they vomit up their last meal and roll in it. Male hyenas are alllll over that. ;3

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