Humon Comics

New Animal Lives Book My other comics: Scandinavia and the World, Niels, Manala Next Door

Comments #9005531:

PCOS 13 11, 4:16am

I have 9 of those symptoms and boy, does it get annoying for me. I started having symptoms when I was 14 but it severely increased when I was 25. I had the most horrible menstrual bleed that would not stop for months. I finally went to the OB/GYN and was diagnosed with PCOS. The Dr gave me as form of contraceptives to try and though it alleviated the immense amount of bleeding I got, I was never fully "cured". Recently, I went off the contraceptives and tried a herbal remedy that seemed to help.

I think that I'm mostly symptom free but I still feel gender confused to the point that I pray for a sex change constantly.

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